waste incinerator

每天更新 2019年7月4日

The immense incineration plant, a waste-to-energy plant that burns trash to generate electricity, is located just 10 kilometers (6.21 miles) from …

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Remains believed to be those of a missing 2-year-old Virginia boy were found Wednesday morning in a steam plant that converts trash to energy, …

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New trash sorting rules took effect in the Chinese metropolis of Shanghai this week — and the second phase of the world's largest incinerator started …

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The Beirut Municipal Council will discuss the book of terms for a waste incinerator Thursday, as Beirut MP Paula Yacoubian called on those who …

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Environmental groups launch campaign for zero waste …. Pecci also mentioned Wheelabrator trash incineration and the company's plans to expand …

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The tender for the waste incinerator is not the only one connected to Klodian Zoto in Albania. Journalist Artan Rama discovered that a complex of …

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… at The Jackson Laboratory's vivarium here would normally go to a trash incinerator, as would the clam and lobster shells from Maine Shellfish Co.

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You're working on plastics issues now, but one of the things you're most recognized for is an anti-incineration campaign you organized in the mid-'90s …

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… waste along the banks of Hessian Run, unauthorized use of an incinerator, ash from lead smelting operations dumped in an onsite landfill, two fires …

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According to the source, the Ministry of Health has already contracted with the Al-Jahra Cleaning Equipment Company for the disposal of waste for a …

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